Bible Studies

“You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of me.”

John 5:39 The Bible can only be understood by truly knowing the unconditional love of Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit.

Why study the Bible?

Interpreting scripture through the lens of Jesus is paramount, as the Bible ultimately unveils the person and work of Jesus, the Word of God, and through whom we gain knowledge of the Father. Jesus serves as the key to comprehending the Bible, and without his revelation, the scriptures remain inaccessible to us. 

  • Jesus is the Fulfillment of Scripture:

    The entire Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is a story that culminates in Jesus.

  • Jesus as the Revealer of God:

    Jesus is the "Word of God" who makes God known to us. As John writes, "No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is at the Father's side, has made him known" (John 6:46). 

  • Jesus as the Center of the Gospel:

    The gospel message, which is the core message of the Bible, is about Jesus Christ. The Bible is meant to inform us about Jesus unconditional love to give us hope that our unloving ways can be changed to loving ways. This is life changing!

  • Jesus as the Key to Illumination:

    Jesus’ work of illumination helps us understand and love the amazing message in the Bible. This spiritual insight lets us see the beauty and truth of God’s word and the character of love that He truly is. 

  • Jesus as the Way to God:

    Jesus shows us how to love unconditionally. He awakens in us a desire for change, and through patient forgiveness, he molds the mind as it focusing on Jesus and who he is. Jesus is the one to model our lives after.  The world is the opposite, it is exclusive, cruel, tribal, divisive and seeks to destroy love and trust.  That is not Jesus. 

  • Jesus as the One Who Opens Our Minds:

    We are only beginning to understand how our minds and brains work.  It is through focusing on gratitude, love, kindness, anything worthy of praise that we conquer our negative debilitating thought patterns that contribute to the mental health crisis in our world.  We long for love and hope, Jesus gives that hope through the “renewing of our minds, as we focus on his life and love. 

The Bible, a compilation of 66 smaller books, encompasses ancient narratives of divine encounters. These accounts reveal the often imperfect and misunderstood perceptions of ancient individuals regarding the nature and attributes of God. However, amidst these complexities, a profound thread of hope emerges, profoundly transforming the lives of those who encounter it. The Old Testament portrays an exceptionally patient and loving God, even in the face of individuals who perceived Him as a destroyer, a misinterpretation that did not align with His true character. The revelation of Jesus Christ unveils the authentic essence of God, illuminating the entirety of the biblical canon.

The historical and prophetic records of the Bible narrate a grand rescue mission aimed at saving humanity. The most comprehensive description of God’s character can be found in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, particularly in His interactions with the weary, the orphaned, and the widowed. He refuted empty religious practices with truths that remain relevant in contemporary society. Through the lens of Jesus’ life as depicted in the gospels, even the enigmatic and sometimes challenging God of the Old Testament can be more comprehensively understood as a God of love, rather than a destroyer.

The biblical authors, writing within their cultural and historical context, held varying beliefs about God. Some perceived Him as a violent deity, but this was not His true nature. God is not against humanity; rather, He is for us. The Bible offers numerous life lessons, and we invite you to join us in exploring the profound truths revealed within these ancient pages. We invite you to discover the mysteries of God and learn how He remains alive and relevant in our lives today. He desires to establish a personal relationship with you, offering you the assurance of His trustworthiness and guidance. Together, let us embark on this journey of discovery.

Adult Small Group Studies 10:00 -11:00 AM every Saturday

Children's age appropriate small groups also meet from 10:00-11:00 AM every Saturday

Baptismal Children's Studies starting in April-May 2025.  Fill out the form and include your child's Birthdate and name. 

Ladies' Bible Study Group

When: Wednesdays, 10:30 am
Where: Campus Center

For Children Wanting Bible Studies/ Baptismal Classes.

View Calendar

Join a Bible or Baptismal Study:

Interested in starting Bible study with one of our pastors?  Fill out the form below.